24/7 Bird Monitoring with Haiku Boxes
From: Why Monitor Birds? (U.S. National Park Service). https://www.nps.gov/articles/000/why-monitor-birds.htm
Why Monitor Birds?
Birds are an integral part of our world. Whether you live in an urban area or in the middle of the wilderness, chances are you hear or see birds daily. We are drawn to birds for their intrinsic beauty—From their vibrant songs that bring music into our lives, to the feeling of wonder and awe in watching a hawk soar on thermals.
We also need birds. They support habitats and food crops through pollinating, eating destructive pests, and dispersing seeds. They serve as ecosystem engineers, constructing structures (like nests and tree holes) that are used by other organisms when abandoned by the birds. They also boost local economies through the multi-billion-dollar birdwatching industry.
Why Monitor Birds?
Birds are an integral part of our world. Whether you live in an urban area or in the middle of the wilderness, chances are you hear or see birds daily. We are drawn to birds for their intrinsic beauty—From their vibrant songs that bring music into our lives, to the feeling of wonder and awe in watching a hawk soar on thermals.
We also need birds. They support habitats and food crops through pollinating, eating destructive pests, and dispersing seeds. They serve as ecosystem engineers, constructing structures (like nests and tree holes) that are used by other organisms when abandoned by the birds. They also boost local economies through the multi-billion-dollar birdwatching industry.
Urban settlement: Tom Wassmer's East Adrian Box: https://birds.haikubox.com/listen/3485188CFF14
Rural settlement: Carlee Resh's Tipton house box
https://birds.haikubox.com/listen/3485189720E4 |
Soon to come: Almost Natural: Ramsdell Nature Park or Heritage Park
Info about the Haiku Box can be found here