Links to local, regional, state-wide, national and international environmental groups
Student Groups: Beta Beta Beta, Green Light Environmental Club, Sustainable College Committee
Classes of Interest:
Local/Regional Organizations & Resources: MICATS, Environmentally Concerned Citizens of South Central Michigan, The River Raisin Watershed Council,Adrian Oil and Gas, Sierra Club -- Michigan Chapter, The Committee to Ban Fracking in Michigan, The Ecology Center, Great Lakes Echo
United Nations: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development:
Other Online Resources:Earth Justice, The David Suzuki Foundation, Beyond Pesticides, Pesticide Action Network North America, Greenpeace, The Stewardship Network, Food & Water Watch, Center for Food Safety
Clean renewable energy: The Solutions Project, Sierra Club Solar Partnership for Michigan, Solar Action Alliance (Lots of valuable information, SHU Sustainability cannot verify that the solar installation provider linked from this website will be a good match for everybody!)
Coal-Tar Sealant:
Environmental friendly disinfectants: EPA Says Natural Disinfectant as Effective as Bleach
How to live producing zero waste (better than re-duce):!how-to/csgz
The National Wildlife Federation’s Garden for Wildlife Program helps people restore habitat and wildlife populations to our cities, towns and neighborhoods. Since 1973, the program has been educating and empowering people turn their own small piece of the Earth--their yards and gardens--into thriving habitat for birds, butterflies and other wildlife. In doing so, the Garden for Wildlife program helps wildlife and gives people a daily connection to the natural world, literally right outside their door.
The Cornucopia Institute, through research and investigations on agricultural and food issues, provides needed information to family farmers, consumers and other stakeholders in the good food movement and to the media. We support economic justice for the family-scale farming community – partnered with consumers – backing ecologically produced local, organic and authentic food. I especially recommend their score cards to identify the bad apples in the organic food business.
Arcadia Power gives customers across the country a simple way to use clean energy. The power infrastructure makes it impossible to track electrons from a particular source to your home. Energy simply goes into the grid, mixes with other electrons, and your local utility delivers it over the poles and wires. Your local utility can’t even tell you where the electrons powering your computer originated.
With Arcadia Power, you have a choice to ensure you’re using clean energy. We do this by buying Green-e Energy certified renewable energy certificates (RECs) from wind farms to match your exact monthly usage. This certifies that that when energy that you consume at home is matched with RECs, you are using clean, wind energy.
Best (greenest cleaning products):
Use Ecosia instead of Google/Bing or Yahoo and plant trees with your searches:
Switch to a Cell Phone Company that Supports Progressive Organizations instead of the Corporate Takeover of Government:
Please also refer to the "Further Readings" section of the Environmental Documentary Series Further Reading about the Topics
And the URL Collection to Find Organizations that Fight the Issues We Discuss
Classes of Interest:
Local/Regional Organizations & Resources: MICATS, Environmentally Concerned Citizens of South Central Michigan, The River Raisin Watershed Council,Adrian Oil and Gas, Sierra Club -- Michigan Chapter, The Committee to Ban Fracking in Michigan, The Ecology Center, Great Lakes Echo
United Nations: Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development:
Other Online Resources:Earth Justice, The David Suzuki Foundation, Beyond Pesticides, Pesticide Action Network North America, Greenpeace, The Stewardship Network, Food & Water Watch, Center for Food Safety
Clean renewable energy: The Solutions Project, Sierra Club Solar Partnership for Michigan, Solar Action Alliance (Lots of valuable information, SHU Sustainability cannot verify that the solar installation provider linked from this website will be a good match for everybody!)
Coal-Tar Sealant:
Environmental friendly disinfectants: EPA Says Natural Disinfectant as Effective as Bleach
How to live producing zero waste (better than re-duce):!how-to/csgz
The National Wildlife Federation’s Garden for Wildlife Program helps people restore habitat and wildlife populations to our cities, towns and neighborhoods. Since 1973, the program has been educating and empowering people turn their own small piece of the Earth--their yards and gardens--into thriving habitat for birds, butterflies and other wildlife. In doing so, the Garden for Wildlife program helps wildlife and gives people a daily connection to the natural world, literally right outside their door.
The Cornucopia Institute, through research and investigations on agricultural and food issues, provides needed information to family farmers, consumers and other stakeholders in the good food movement and to the media. We support economic justice for the family-scale farming community – partnered with consumers – backing ecologically produced local, organic and authentic food. I especially recommend their score cards to identify the bad apples in the organic food business.
Arcadia Power gives customers across the country a simple way to use clean energy. The power infrastructure makes it impossible to track electrons from a particular source to your home. Energy simply goes into the grid, mixes with other electrons, and your local utility delivers it over the poles and wires. Your local utility can’t even tell you where the electrons powering your computer originated.
With Arcadia Power, you have a choice to ensure you’re using clean energy. We do this by buying Green-e Energy certified renewable energy certificates (RECs) from wind farms to match your exact monthly usage. This certifies that that when energy that you consume at home is matched with RECs, you are using clean, wind energy.
Best (greenest cleaning products):
Use Ecosia instead of Google/Bing or Yahoo and plant trees with your searches:
Switch to a Cell Phone Company that Supports Progressive Organizations instead of the Corporate Takeover of Government:
Please also refer to the "Further Readings" section of the Environmental Documentary Series Further Reading about the Topics
And the URL Collection to Find Organizations that Fight the Issues We Discuss